Experienced Forensic Examiners

NAAF is home to knowledgeable and experienced forensic examiners who specialize in creating vehicle theft reports that reflect our philosophy. As defined by The American College of Forensic Examiners, a forensic examiner refers to “a professional who performs an orderly analysis, investigation, inquiry, test, inspection, or examination in an attempt to obtain the truth and form an expert opinion.” Hence, we make organized, orderly, and concise reports with examination procedures clearly noted and results detailed in every account. We make sure that every category of a vehicle examination is consistent and has specific methods and procedures.

According to Longman Dictionary of The American Language; 2002 edition, science is defined as “knowledge that is based on testing and proving facts” and “study that produces knowledge.” At NAAF, we utilize scientific procedures that are defined as “relating to science or using its methods” and performed, using an organized system.” Forensic reports are scientific information and must be organized and orderly while providing the facts based upon study and knowledge.

Our Forensic Procedure


A NAAF trained and qualified field examiner receives an assignment to examine and photograph a vehicle. (Every examiner recognizes their equal responsibility to both the insured and the insurance company.)


The field examiner recovers or inspects relevant parts and makes a description based exclusively upon their analysis with no outside influences. Without exception, the examiner personally details the inspection on a structured, formatted report form, including methods and procedures.


Supporting photographs are placed in sequence, numbered, and noted.


The reports are then typed, compiled, proofread, and stamped with a signature on behalf of the examiner and reviewer, with pictures and captions placed on photo pages and technical attachments added.


Again, the reports and photographs are peer-reviewed by a qualified forensic examiner without exception.


All completed reports are then forwarded electronically to the client. All original photos, any field notes and recovered evidence is placed in secured storage.

Forensic and Technical Reports

Disassembled Ignition Lock

NAAF has been using a structured, formatted report form for our work product since 1993. When the report formats were designed, they were done using police report formats, fire department report formats, and formats used in legal forms obtained from an office supply store. The report formats (Nine (9) report formats forensic technical reports) are periodically reviewed and revised based upon new automotive technology, newly identified theft methods or trends, and other factors. As an example, the report for a recovered theft (burned) in 1997 was six (6) pages. The current report format is 20 pages.

The structured, formatted report assures every examination is consistently performed using the proper procedures and methods; it guarantees that all examination categories are properly addressed and the results are detailed and documented.

A proper forensic report demands that the examinations are conducted and reported in a detailed and consistent manner and is specific to the vehicle examined. The NAAF standards for vehicle examination conclusions have been peer-reviewed by independent automotive forensic experts and insurance industry personnel or attorneys.

About Our Owner/Forensic Examiners

Andrew Morton

Andrew Morton received his B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice from Shaw University in 1988. He has also graduated from Hamilton Auto Diesel Technical College and General Motors Service Technology Group Course and is an ASE-Certified Master Automotive Technician and a Certified General Motors Training Center graduate.

Andrew has received extensive, specialized training, education, and certifications in automotive steering columns, ignition locks, anti-theft systems, vehicle fires, burned vehicle examinations and processing, automotive locksmithing, forensic locksmithing, and other relevant subjects and is a Certified Automotive Forensic Examiner. He is also a Court-Recognized Expert Witness in Automotive Forensics.

Andrew joined North American Technical & Forensic Services South East in August 1999 and continues to operate as proprietor/examiner of North American Automotive Forensic South East.

Christopher Arnold

Christopher Arnold graduated from The Prince Georges County Maryland Police Academy in 1987 and retired in April 2002. During his time with the Prince Georges County Police Department, he received extensive, specialized training and education in auto theft, automotive steering columns, ignition locks, anti-theft systems, vehicle fires, burned vehicle examinations and processing, automotive locksmithing, forensic locksmithing, and other relevant subjects. He is a Certified Automotive Forensic Examiner and a Court-Recognized Expert Witness in Auto Theft and Automotive Forensics.

Christopher joined North American Technical & Forensic Services in January 2003 and continues to operate as proprietor/examiner of North American Automotive Forensic Mid-Atlantic.


Andrew and Christopher have conducted many training seminars in their local areas for insurance companies, fire departments, and law enforcement. They were also honored to be guest speakers about ignition locks and anti-theft systems for the following organizations: